Guardians of The City SFFD Home Page - San Francisco Fire Department Museum
Volunteer Companies:

St. Francis Hook & Ladder Company No. 1

Date Organized:  June 14, 1850

Dupont Street, west side, at Commercial Alley near Sacramento Street. A three story fireproof brick building, city property, in good order, (1860).

1860 Jacob Ezekiel
1862 Charles Schultz
1863 Mark Harris

1852 Truck: J. L. Berry, San Francisco, city property.

1855 - 56
1860 - 45
1963 - 54
1864 - 52
1866 - 27

* ST. FRANCIS HOOK & LADDER COMPANY, NO. 1, was organized on the 14th of June, 1850, chiefly by Messrs. E. V. Joyce, Samuel H. Ward, J. C. Palmer, C. P. Duane, W. A. Woodruff, George W. Gibbs, B. G. Davis, and others. This is one of the original companies of the permanent organization, and has always maintained its position in the department. In the years 1850, ‘51 and ‘52, the principal work at conflagrations fell on the hook and ladder companies, owing to the impossibility of obtaining water for the engines. This company is located in Dupont Street, between Clay and Sacramento streets, and has a fine brick building under contract for its future occupancy.
* Source: Frank Soulé, John H. Gihon, M.D., and James Nisbet. The Annals of San Francisco. 1855: San Francisco.

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