Organized: 1893
Location: Hayes Valley
1893 Assigned to quarters at 52 Waller Street
1897 Relocated to the quarters of Truck Co. No. 3, 1421 Market Street
1906 The firehouse, a three story brick building, valued at $30,000, was totally destroyed in during the 1906 Fire
1906 After April 18th, the company was relocated to the closed firehouse at 52 Waller Street
1916 Company disbanded
Location: Mission Bay
1928 Company reorganized and assigned to new quarters 1300 - 4th Street
Location: Stonestown
1972 June 2nd, Relocated to the quarters of Truck Co. No. 19, 390 Buckingham Way
1998 April 23rd, relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 18, 1935 - 32nd Avenue, for the earthquake retrofitting of the firehouse
1999 April 12th, returned to quarters at 390 Buckingham Way