Addresses |
Dates Occupied |
By Companies (Links in this column will take you to the Companies pages) |
1913 -1972 |
1972 - Present |
Station 31 |
1962 - 1974 |
1974 - Present |
Station 22 |
1931 - 1972 |
1972 - Present |
Station 40 |
1906 - 1954 |
1954 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 14 |
1951 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 18 |
1929 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 34 |
1911 - 1913 |
1913 - 1956 |
1956 - 1972 |
1972 - Present |
Station 23 |
1927 - 1974 |
1974 - Present |
Station 25 |
1928 - 1972 |
1972 - 1976 |
1976 - Present |
Toy Detail |
1916 - 1958 |
1918 - 1974 |
1974 - Present |
Bureau of Equipment |
1958 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 11 |
1939 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 8 |
1954 - Present |
1903 - 1906 |
1922 - Present |
1960 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 38 |
1974 - Present |
Station 33 |
Clayton Street, opposite 1249 |
1912 - Present |
Ashbury Tank |
1968 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 26 |
Embarcadero, Harrison Street, Pier 22 1/2 |
1909 - Present |
Fireboat 1 |
1145 Evans |
- Present |
Warehouse & Yard |
1954 - 1973 |
1974 - Present |
Station 7, Drill Tower |
1913 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 44 |
1938 - 1955 |
1972 - Present |
Station 16 |
1958 - Present |
1914 - 1974 |
1974 - Present |
Station 24 |
1902 - 1906 |
1917 - 1957 |
1957 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 4 |
1974 - Present |
Station 9, Hydrant Gatemen Yard |
1239 Jones Street, Sacramento & Clay |
1912 - Present |
Jones Street Tank |
1910 - 1956 |
1956 - 1974 |
1974 - Present |
Station 41 |
1970 - 1974 |
1974 - Present |
Station 43 |
1961 - 1973 |
1973 - Present |
Station 14 |
1152 Oak Street |
1892 - 1958 |
Engine Co. No. 21 |
1958 - Present |
Used For Various Department Needs |
1000 Ocean Avenue |
1957 - 1973 |
Engine Co. No. 38, Truck Co. No. 15, Battalion No. 9 |
1973 - Present |
Station 15 |
285 Olympia Way |
1963 - 1972 |
Engine Co. No. 23, Truck Co. No. 20 |
1972 - Present |
Station 20 |
194 Park Street |
1942 - Present |
Engine Co. No. 32 |
1091 Portola Drive |
1923 - 1974 |
Engine Co. No. 39 |
1974 - Present |
Station 39 |
1067 Post Street |
1916 - 1974 |
Engine Co. No. 3, Truck Co. No. 3 |
1974 - Present |
Station 3 |
1340 Powell Street |
1916 - 1973 |
Engine Co. No. 5, Truck Co. No. 2, Battalion No. 1 |
1973 - Present |
Station 2 |
655 Presidio Avenue |
1956 - 1973 |
Engine Co. No. 26, Truck Co. No. 10 |
1973 - Present |
Station 10 |
2430 San Bruno Avenue |
1912 - 1974 |
Engine Co. No. 42, Battalion Co. No. 10 |
1974 - 1977 |
Station 42 |
1977 - Present |
Station 42, New House Constructed |
135 Sanchez Street |
1950 - 1973 |
Engine Co. No. 27, Truck Co. No. 6 |
1973 - Present |
Station 6 |
530 Sansome Street |
1975 - Present |
Station 13 |
1295 Shafter Avenue |
1956 - 1973 |
Engine Co. No. 11, Truck Co. No. 17 |
1973 - Present |
Station 17 |
1145 Stanyan Street |
1956 - 1973 |
Engine Co. No. 40, Truck Co. No. 12 |
1973 - Present |
Station 12 |
1814 Stockton Street |
1913 - 1974 |
Engine Co. No. 28 |
1974 - Present |
Station 28 |
909 Tennessee Street |
1926 - 1970 |
Engine Co. No. 16 |
1970 - 1974 |
Bureau of Equipment |
1974 - 1976 |
Toy Detail |
1976 - Present |
Warehouse |
Treasure Island |
1997 - Present |
Station 48 |
1003 Turk Street |
1915 - Present |
Central Fire Alarm Station |
1301 Turk Street |
1956 - 1973 |
Engine Co. No. 34, Truck Co. No. 5, Division No. 2 |
1973 - Present |
Station 5 |
Twin Peaks Reservoir |
1912 - Present |
AWSS High Pressure System Reservoir |
299 Vermont Street |
1955 - 1974 |
Engine Co. No. 29 |
1974 - Present |
Station 29 |
798 Wisconsin Street |
1914 - 1974 |
Engine Co. No. 48 |
1974 - Present |
Station 37 |